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Step One...

Formatting Your Book


Import them into the document, don’t drag and drop or cut and paste. Set the alignment, borders

Format it correctly using the styles available on your word processing software, Apple Pages, Microsoft Office or Libre Office (a free powerful software package) Modify the styles to your choices.


Text.etc. jpeg format is better than png, using  300dpi resolution minimum.

Save your final document in a new folder named Publishing. Move any images into this new folder.

Tip: Most sites require books in docx format. Ignore Amazon’s Kindle Create app. You don’t need it, you can upload your docx
file without problems. It’s handy to also have a pdf version of your book.

Once you have completed all of the above steps what's next?

Create and link an index to your chapters.

1, Create bookmarks on your chapter headings.
2. Create an index. This
be hyperlinks to those bookmarks, you don't need page numbers..  You can format your index any way you prefer. It can be left or centre aligned, bold font or not.


Prepare your cover.

This should not be included in the body of thebook, but should be a separate file. Recommended size is 1600 pixels wide by 2500 pixels high, 300dpi resolution and in jpeg format. Amazon has an app for designing your cover, you can check out.


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